Keyhole Dental Implants

What is Keyhole Dental Implants?

What are the key Features of Keyhole Dental Implants?

What is the "look & feel" and life of Keyhole Dental Implants?


Keyhole Dental Implants

Keyhole Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dental implants as they are absolutely minimally invasive making it the most comfortable and quickest procedure in dentistry.

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Key Features

  • Stitchless procedure
  • Less than 7 minutes
  • Comfortable
  • Quick Recovery
  • Latest
  • High success rate
  • Very safe

However,strong foods like garlic, coffee and onions can add to the problem. The bacteria on our teeth and gums (plaque) also cause gum disease and dental decay. One of the warning signs of gum disease is that you always have bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth. Again, your dentist or hygienist will be able to see and treat the problem during your regular check-ups. The earlier the problems are found, the more effective the treatment will be.

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Dental implants look, feel and function like natural teeth, and can last a lifetime.

Years ago if you lost a single tooth, a fixed bridge was your only option. The teeth on each side of the missing tooth were ground down and prepared for crowns, the missing tooth was connected to the crowns and the fixed bridge was cemented to place. Now, thanks to advances in modern dentistry, a dental implant may be the best, strongest and simplest way for you to replace that missing tooth. The teeth on each side of the space no longer need to be destructed and prepared for crowns. The implant looks, feels and functions like the natural tooth it replaces. The result is esthetically pleasing, remarkably strong and durable, and surprisingly economical. Ask us for more details about single tooth replacements with dental implants!

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